Friday, 23 October 2009

In which poor, bullied Nick Griffin turns to Disasterdly for help.

Disasterdly must be getting something right. He has been chosen by Nick Griffin to be the only political leader he (Griffin) has asked to join him in condemning what Griffin perceived to be bullying by David Dimbleby, and the question time panel, and the question time audience on the programme.
This can only be because Griffin perceives Disasterdly to be the 'big party' leader whose policies are closest to his own. Various panel and audience member described Griffin as 'devious' and he undoubtedly is, but no more so than Disasterdly who placed an unelected Asian Woman on the panel to face Griffin but neglected to tell her that by not making it clear she is a baroness she might also be perpetrating an inacurate view of Tory party membership to the watching public.
I felt one chance was lost, by repeatedly calling on black or asian members of the audience to comment on BNP policy David Dimbleby provided Griffin (who conveniently seems to have forgotten that the majority of the audience condemning him were white) with ammunition to support his claim that London has been 'Ethnically Cleansed'.
Grifin was described as a holocaust survivor. Once again discussion of the holocaust understandably focused on the atrocities perpetrated against the Jewish communities in 1940's Europe. Overlooked once more was the fact that that hundreds of thousands of disabled, older, and mentally ill people, were also sent to the Gas chambers. The bullying of the infirm and the mentally ill is an area where Griffin could legitimately claim that Winston Churchill did agree with Nazi policy, as does his would be ally of choice, Disasterdly David Cameron.

Regarding the Ethnic Cleansing of London, Boris the Bludgeon sought to gain merit points by making a point about Griffin not being wanted in London. Being the Bludgeon he naturally attempted to make his point in a humorous manner, not a suitable way of treating a bigot, and a chance lost to remind Griffins followers what Ethnic Cleansing actually does entail.

The Bludgeon has cause to be grateful to Griffin. By dominating the printed and broadcasting media this week he has almost obscured any discussion of the fact that Bludgeon has subsidised his vote catching middle class policy of scrapping the extension of the congestion zone by increasing bus and train fares in the city.
A foresight of the changes the public will become very familiar if Disasterdly and his chums win the election next year. Bludgeons mates from the suburbs in their 4x4's overtaking buses filled with genuine 'greens' and those who cannot afford to travel by car, who are paying more for the privilege.

OH WELL, I SUPPOSE THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU VOTE FOR PERSONALITY NOT POLICY, which of course is the reason that Disasterdly has wasted every Prime Ministers Question Time for the past three years by trying to demonstrate Gordon Brown's unwillingness to play the personality game, instead of asking questions that we voters wanted to hear the answers to.

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