Wednesday, 7 October 2009

in which Disasterdly reveals more of his fascist credentials and Bludgeon becomes bored.

7 October 2009

So now we know. To fund his bullying of the infirm and disabled Disasterdly is actually not going to take them off benefits at all, he is going to move them from invalidity benefits to jobseeker allowance.
In so doing he will reduce their benefits from the princely sum of £89.50 a week to £64 a week. For those of them with ongoing medical needs this will mean having to balance whether they can afford their prescribed medication against the need to eat.
Of course, what Disasterdly is not saying, is that what he is really doing is reversing a policy Thatcher implemented in the 1980s where, in an effort to massage the unemployment figures quickly, implying successful government, she found ways of removing people from unemployment lists and putting them on invalidity benefit instead.

Disasterdly and his chums also revealed more of their fascist credentials by inviting representatives of extreme right wing (doublethink for Fascist or Nazi) political parties from Latvia and Poland to speak to fringe meetings of the party conference.

Elsewhere at the conference members were being fed the nonsense proposition that the Human Rights Act is preventing effective policing because it prevents the naming of, what they choose to term as, dangerous criminals.
This of course is a backdoor way of preparing voters who place "law and order" high on their list of priorities to support the party when it follows up its plan to hold a referendum on the "human rights" aspects of the European Community. What is not being said of course is that the “dangerous criminals” who are protected by the act are those who have not yet been convicted. The removal of this aspect of our human rights means that any one of us could be accused in the media of anything and our identity is revealed regardless of whether the accusation is true.

The fact is that Disasterdly and his chums, do not believe we should have any "human rights" at all. They want us to return to a world where the rights of a human being have to be bought. This inevitably means that the greater the sum of money you have, the more rights you are entitled to. That's all right then, Disasterdly and his chums from the Bullingdon Club have plenty of money between them.

Disasterdly’s Bullingdon club chum Boris the Bludgeon should also fair quite well in respect of the removal of the human rights of others. He has always made it clear that he perceives a hierarchy in society which places him and his Oxford educated white male friends on the top of the pile with the "common people" some distance below.

Yesterday, while yet another of his personally chosen right-hand men was being removed from the London assembly for irregularities it was also being reported that Bludgeon is "bored" with his Mayoral role.
The term "throwing his toys out of the pram" comes to mind. If he can’t play with his own friends Bludgeon does not want to play at all.

It was clear from the beginning that bludgeon saw the Mayoralty as a minor acquisition. His grasp on the reality of the magnitude of the task was evident when it came to light that he had believed he would be able to carry out his Mayoral tasks on a part-time basis while he carried on his career as a member of Parliament for that bastian of the working classes, Henley upon Thames.
He had clearly looked long and hard at the duties of the Mayor of Henley-on-Thames and decided that being the Mayor of London would be a nice easy way of picking up some financial perks. One is left to consider the possibility that he actually perceived the role to be that of dressing up in funny robes, (back to the Bullingdon club here), and parading through the city of London in a horse-drawn carriage. That very public duty of the Lord Mayor of the City of London being just one of the many essential duties of the Lord Mayor that has nothing whatsoever to do with the role of the Mayor of London.

Of course, at the current time Bludgeon has the basic "human right" to extricate himself from the role if he wishes, but he had better hurry because if Disasterdly and his chums win the general election next year "basic human right's" will rapidly cease to exist.

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