Disasterdly must be getting something right. He has been chosen by Nick Griffin to be the only political leader he (Griffin) has asked to join him in condemning what Griffin perceived to be bullying by David Dimbleby, and the question time panel, and the question time audience on the programme.
This can only be because Griffin perceives Disasterdly to be the 'big party' leader whose policies are closest to his own. Various panel and audience member described Griffin as 'devious' and he undoubtedly is, but no more so than Disasterdly who placed an unelected Asian Woman on the panel to face Griffin but neglected to tell her that by not making it clear she is a baroness she might also be perpetrating an inacurate view of Tory party membership to the watching public.
I felt one chance was lost, by repeatedly calling on black or asian members of the audience to comment on BNP policy David Dimbleby provided Griffin (who conveniently seems to have forgotten that the majority of the audience condemning him were white) with ammunition to support his claim that London has been 'Ethnically Cleansed'.
Grifin was described as a holocaust survivor. Once again discussion of the holocaust understandably focused on the atrocities perpetrated against the Jewish communities in 1940's Europe. Overlooked once more was the fact that that hundreds of thousands of disabled, older, and mentally ill people, were also sent to the Gas chambers. The bullying of the infirm and the mentally ill is an area where Griffin could legitimately claim that Winston Churchill did agree with Nazi policy, as does his would be ally of choice, Disasterdly David Cameron.
Regarding the Ethnic Cleansing of London, Boris the Bludgeon sought to gain merit points by making a point about Griffin not being wanted in London. Being the Bludgeon he naturally attempted to make his point in a humorous manner, not a suitable way of treating a bigot, and a chance lost to remind Griffins followers what Ethnic Cleansing actually does entail.
The Bludgeon has cause to be grateful to Griffin. By dominating the printed and broadcasting media this week he has almost obscured any discussion of the fact that Bludgeon has subsidised his vote catching middle class policy of scrapping the extension of the congestion zone by increasing bus and train fares in the city.
A foresight of the changes the public will become very familiar if Disasterdly and his chums win the election next year. Bludgeons mates from the suburbs in their 4x4's overtaking buses filled with genuine 'greens' and those who cannot afford to travel by car, who are paying more for the privilege.
OH WELL, I SUPPOSE THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU VOTE FOR PERSONALITY NOT POLICY, which of course is the reason that Disasterdly has wasted every Prime Ministers Question Time for the past three years by trying to demonstrate Gordon Brown's unwillingness to play the personality game, instead of asking questions that we voters wanted to hear the answers to.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Thursday, 8 October 2009
in which Tory Boy puts in an appearance to "big up" an old friend.
8th October 2009
Well, well, well. I couldn't believe my ears. On a news bulletin an extract from a speech made by Tory Boy William Hague telling us all how a government led by Disasterdly will be just as successful as the one led by Thatcher was! He went on to say that successive Labour governments have undone all of the wonderful things Thatcher achieved.
This set me thinking, the majority of my working life occurred under governments led by Thatcher and, because my ambition, my illness, or my disability caused me to change working environments throughout that period I possibly have a unique insight into just how "successful" those governments were.
Between 1972 and 1980 I worked for a company that manufactured agricultural machinery and sold both its own and other manufacturer’s products. At the time I joined the company it was strong and healthy and had just taken over another company meaning it had branches in three separate towns. Between 1979 and 1984 I had a role in the company which meant I had responsibilities in each of the three branches. We survived petrol shortages, we survived power shortages and the three-day week, we survived changes in agriculture. The manufacturing branch of the company had to radically rethink its products and became a market leader with several products and, with one in particular, was a major exporter.
During the first five years of Thatcher we began to benefit from the misfortune of other companies who had been forced to close down. In my department life became more difficult as more and more companies went to the wall and we were increasingly finding it difficult to source spare parts for machinery that was obsolete within months of coming onto the market as small manufacturers closed down at the rate of about one a week.
In many instances the only direct replacement for a British made product was manufactured in the USA or in Japan. Because of the high exchange rates our customers were paying up to twice as much for machinery and equipment that was no better than that which had been manufactured in Britain but was no longer available.
Between 1984 and 1988 I was working in the accounting and IT departments of the company when the worsening financial situation meant we had to close down the branch that had been acquired shortly after I joined the company. Our manufacturing company was frequently let down by raw material suppliers and found its marketplace shrinking as more and more small farmers went out of business.
I left the company in 1988, by 1999 both the retail and manufacturing companies had been forced out of business. So much for the successes of Thatcher's or the subsequent Tory government regarding buisness.
I had moved into full-time Social Work in 1988. I discovered I had moved into a world where staff shortages and lack of resources meant that a lot of overworked people were attempting to provide assistance for an ever-growing population of clients in substandard facilities because of the local government cuts imposed by Thatcher's government.
Children are still at risk today because there has never been enough government money available to compensate for the damage Thatcher caused by ripping the heart out of initiatives that were still in their infancy, (social work as we know it only began in 1972), and were being forced to make cuts in service before they had had the chance to grow to the size they should have been.
Services for the mentally ill were affected in the same way, in fact, almost every time we read in the media of violence being perpetrated by someone with a mental illness it can be shown that this is a person who would have been receiving more support if it were not for the changes brought about through lack of funding in the late 1980s and the early 1990s.
The reason that many older people are being forced to sell their homes to cover the costs of residential care for a much loved dependent relative can be directly traced back to the point at which a lack of support from central government led to social services selling off, or simply closing down, their resources for older people.
At the same time as social work was tossed into this state of turmoil from which it has still not recovered the police, the Probation Service, the National Health Service, and Educational Support Services were left in a similar state of malaise because they were forced into a permanent state of transition as they were called upon to try out the latest "favoured approach" of their political masters before ever being given time to adjust to the previous one.
In 1998 the combination of my illness and my disability forced me to retire from social work. In 2000, having undertaken training, I took up a post in adult education leading courses focusing on Health and Social Care.
Here I was astounded to come across intelligent young adults between 16 and 19 years old who had been so let down by the education system that we had to teach them basic literacy skills before they could embark on the course of their choice. My sadness for them was equalled by my anger at "the system" because I had direct experience of, and was aware of, the cuts made in educational support services between 1988 and that time which led to the removal of the specialist facilities those young people would have benefited from.
Now, if Disasterdly, Tory Boy, Bludgeon, and their chums were to read this their retort would be that Labour governments have had 14 years to put these things right. That is rubbish. They are relying on the fact that the amount of damage wrought upon these essential Social Services is probably beyond the comprehension of any person who didn't experience what was happening at the time. In fact, living in their wealthy families and being educated in their public schools they will never have faced the dilemmas that cause people to turn to the services.
Those of us providing, or attempting to provide, services to children and their families during the early 1990s will never forget the frustration as we witnessed families falling into a poverty trap. We'll never forget our anger as specialist facilities created to teach parents and children how to live together safely were scrapped for being financially unviable. Our amazement as vulnerable adults with Learning Difficulties or Mental Health problems were abandoned to their own devices because their situation did not tick enough boxes on some bureaucrat’s "risk assessment" sheet. Or took part in a battle between Health departments and Social Services over who was responsible for what part of the cost for services for a vulnerable older person whose identity was forgotten as they became labelled a “Bed Blocker”.
Thatcher and her advisors, of whom Tory Boy was one, caused unimaginable damage to Social Services that were still in their infancy and on a learning curve; and to the health, education, police and criminal justice services. Tory Boy knows as well as I do that there has not been sufficient time to address the havoc Thatcher and her government created, and his credibility flies out of the window when he attempts to manipulate these facts for political gain. He should be ashamed of himself.
Well, well, well. I couldn't believe my ears. On a news bulletin an extract from a speech made by Tory Boy William Hague telling us all how a government led by Disasterdly will be just as successful as the one led by Thatcher was! He went on to say that successive Labour governments have undone all of the wonderful things Thatcher achieved.
This set me thinking, the majority of my working life occurred under governments led by Thatcher and, because my ambition, my illness, or my disability caused me to change working environments throughout that period I possibly have a unique insight into just how "successful" those governments were.
Between 1972 and 1980 I worked for a company that manufactured agricultural machinery and sold both its own and other manufacturer’s products. At the time I joined the company it was strong and healthy and had just taken over another company meaning it had branches in three separate towns. Between 1979 and 1984 I had a role in the company which meant I had responsibilities in each of the three branches. We survived petrol shortages, we survived power shortages and the three-day week, we survived changes in agriculture. The manufacturing branch of the company had to radically rethink its products and became a market leader with several products and, with one in particular, was a major exporter.
During the first five years of Thatcher we began to benefit from the misfortune of other companies who had been forced to close down. In my department life became more difficult as more and more companies went to the wall and we were increasingly finding it difficult to source spare parts for machinery that was obsolete within months of coming onto the market as small manufacturers closed down at the rate of about one a week.
In many instances the only direct replacement for a British made product was manufactured in the USA or in Japan. Because of the high exchange rates our customers were paying up to twice as much for machinery and equipment that was no better than that which had been manufactured in Britain but was no longer available.
Between 1984 and 1988 I was working in the accounting and IT departments of the company when the worsening financial situation meant we had to close down the branch that had been acquired shortly after I joined the company. Our manufacturing company was frequently let down by raw material suppliers and found its marketplace shrinking as more and more small farmers went out of business.
I left the company in 1988, by 1999 both the retail and manufacturing companies had been forced out of business. So much for the successes of Thatcher's or the subsequent Tory government regarding buisness.
I had moved into full-time Social Work in 1988. I discovered I had moved into a world where staff shortages and lack of resources meant that a lot of overworked people were attempting to provide assistance for an ever-growing population of clients in substandard facilities because of the local government cuts imposed by Thatcher's government.
Children are still at risk today because there has never been enough government money available to compensate for the damage Thatcher caused by ripping the heart out of initiatives that were still in their infancy, (social work as we know it only began in 1972), and were being forced to make cuts in service before they had had the chance to grow to the size they should have been.
Services for the mentally ill were affected in the same way, in fact, almost every time we read in the media of violence being perpetrated by someone with a mental illness it can be shown that this is a person who would have been receiving more support if it were not for the changes brought about through lack of funding in the late 1980s and the early 1990s.
The reason that many older people are being forced to sell their homes to cover the costs of residential care for a much loved dependent relative can be directly traced back to the point at which a lack of support from central government led to social services selling off, or simply closing down, their resources for older people.
At the same time as social work was tossed into this state of turmoil from which it has still not recovered the police, the Probation Service, the National Health Service, and Educational Support Services were left in a similar state of malaise because they were forced into a permanent state of transition as they were called upon to try out the latest "favoured approach" of their political masters before ever being given time to adjust to the previous one.
In 1998 the combination of my illness and my disability forced me to retire from social work. In 2000, having undertaken training, I took up a post in adult education leading courses focusing on Health and Social Care.
Here I was astounded to come across intelligent young adults between 16 and 19 years old who had been so let down by the education system that we had to teach them basic literacy skills before they could embark on the course of their choice. My sadness for them was equalled by my anger at "the system" because I had direct experience of, and was aware of, the cuts made in educational support services between 1988 and that time which led to the removal of the specialist facilities those young people would have benefited from.
Now, if Disasterdly, Tory Boy, Bludgeon, and their chums were to read this their retort would be that Labour governments have had 14 years to put these things right. That is rubbish. They are relying on the fact that the amount of damage wrought upon these essential Social Services is probably beyond the comprehension of any person who didn't experience what was happening at the time. In fact, living in their wealthy families and being educated in their public schools they will never have faced the dilemmas that cause people to turn to the services.
Those of us providing, or attempting to provide, services to children and their families during the early 1990s will never forget the frustration as we witnessed families falling into a poverty trap. We'll never forget our anger as specialist facilities created to teach parents and children how to live together safely were scrapped for being financially unviable. Our amazement as vulnerable adults with Learning Difficulties or Mental Health problems were abandoned to their own devices because their situation did not tick enough boxes on some bureaucrat’s "risk assessment" sheet. Or took part in a battle between Health departments and Social Services over who was responsible for what part of the cost for services for a vulnerable older person whose identity was forgotten as they became labelled a “Bed Blocker”.
Thatcher and her advisors, of whom Tory Boy was one, caused unimaginable damage to Social Services that were still in their infancy and on a learning curve; and to the health, education, police and criminal justice services. Tory Boy knows as well as I do that there has not been sufficient time to address the havoc Thatcher and her government created, and his credibility flies out of the window when he attempts to manipulate these facts for political gain. He should be ashamed of himself.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
in which Disasterdly reveals more of his fascist credentials and Bludgeon becomes bored.
7 October 2009
So now we know. To fund his bullying of the infirm and disabled Disasterdly is actually not going to take them off benefits at all, he is going to move them from invalidity benefits to jobseeker allowance.
In so doing he will reduce their benefits from the princely sum of £89.50 a week to £64 a week. For those of them with ongoing medical needs this will mean having to balance whether they can afford their prescribed medication against the need to eat.
In so doing he will reduce their benefits from the princely sum of £89.50 a week to £64 a week. For those of them with ongoing medical needs this will mean having to balance whether they can afford their prescribed medication against the need to eat.
Of course, what Disasterdly is not saying, is that what he is really doing is reversing a policy Thatcher implemented in the 1980s where, in an effort to massage the unemployment figures quickly, implying successful government, she found ways of removing people from unemployment lists and putting them on invalidity benefit instead.
Disasterdly and his chums also revealed more of their fascist credentials by inviting representatives of extreme right wing (doublethink for Fascist or Nazi) political parties from Latvia and Poland to speak to fringe meetings of the party conference.
Elsewhere at the conference members were being fed the nonsense proposition that the Human Rights Act is preventing effective policing because it prevents the naming of, what they choose to term as, dangerous criminals.
This of course is a backdoor way of preparing voters who place "law and order" high on their list of priorities to support the party when it follows up its plan to hold a referendum on the "human rights" aspects of the European Community. What is not being said of course is that the “dangerous criminals” who are protected by the act are those who have not yet been convicted. The removal of this aspect of our human rights means that any one of us could be accused in the media of anything and our identity is revealed regardless of whether the accusation is true.
The fact is that Disasterdly and his chums, do not believe we should have any "human rights" at all. They want us to return to a world where the rights of a human being have to be bought. This inevitably means that the greater the sum of money you have, the more rights you are entitled to. That's all right then, Disasterdly and his chums from the Bullingdon Club have plenty of money between them.
Disasterdly’s Bullingdon club chum Boris the Bludgeon should also fair quite well in respect of the removal of the human rights of others. He has always made it clear that he perceives a hierarchy in society which places him and his Oxford educated white male friends on the top of the pile with the "common people" some distance below.
Yesterday, while yet another of his personally chosen right-hand men was being removed from the London assembly for irregularities it was also being reported that Bludgeon is "bored" with his Mayoral role.
The term "throwing his toys out of the pram" comes to mind. If he can’t play with his own friends Bludgeon does not want to play at all.
It was clear from the beginning that bludgeon saw the Mayoralty as a minor acquisition. His grasp on the reality of the magnitude of the task was evident when it came to light that he had believed he would be able to carry out his Mayoral tasks on a part-time basis while he carried on his career as a member of Parliament for that bastian of the working classes, Henley upon Thames.
He had clearly looked long and hard at the duties of the Mayor of Henley-on-Thames and decided that being the Mayor of London would be a nice easy way of picking up some financial perks. One is left to consider the possibility that he actually perceived the role to be that of dressing up in funny robes, (back to the Bullingdon club here), and parading through the city of London in a horse-drawn carriage. That very public duty of the Lord Mayor of the City of London being just one of the many essential duties of the Lord Mayor that has nothing whatsoever to do with the role of the Mayor of London.
Of course, at the current time Bludgeon has the basic "human right" to extricate himself from the role if he wishes, but he had better hurry because if Disasterdly and his chums win the general election next year "basic human right's" will rapidly cease to exist.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
in which Bludgeon is on the telly and Disasterdly kicks the cripples
Boris The Bludgeon on East Enders.
Peggy Mitchell: Ooo, aren't you the Mayor of London, I've been looking everywhere for you.
Bludgeon: Err-Umm-Err-Umm-Err-Umm-Err-Umm
Peggy Mitchell: I'm in local politics you know, there are lots of things I'd like to discuss with you.
Bludgeon: Err-Umm-Err-Umm-Err-Umm-Err-Umm
Peggy Mitchell: I have some ideas about developing the East End.
Bludgeon: (robotically) I-am-always-willing-to-discuss-London-issues-with-ordinary people. Please-contact-me-at-the-office-and-I-will-be-pleased-to-talk-two-you. I-am-off-duty-now.
Peggy Mitchell: One of the things I wanted to talk about was the way you are starting to question part of the London 2010 plan which was ratified by the Olympic Committee, might your interference at this stage not have implications for the games as a whole.
Bludgeon: la la la-Dum Dum Dum-Tra la la.
Peggy Mitchell: We are very worried about global warming. Why did you scrap the plans to extend the congestion charging zone? And most of us around here use the bus rather than cars, why are you scrapping larger, more fuel-efficient, bendy buses and bringing back the smaller, less fuel efficient, less safe, Routemaster buses?
Bludgeon: la la la-Dum Dum Dum-Tra la la- la la la-Dum Dum Dum-Tra la la.
Peggy Mitchell: Well well, would you believe it, the Mayor of London drinking in my pub, I am so lucky.
Disasterdly David looks after his "posh chums".
Yesterday was bash a cripple day as Disasterdly informed the world of his plans to bully the infirm and disabled.
Having targeted immigrants and single mothers during previous election campaigns the Nazi, Oops, sorry, the Conservative party have obviously decided that there are now enough members of both of those minority groups to have an effect on the outcome of a general election and so in order to please the Nazi, oops sorry, extreme right wing members of the party they have decided to target the group that the Nazis, yes, the Nazis, thought it would be okay to exterminate. By manipulating Darwin’s concept of ‘Eugenics’ the Nazi’s firstly compulsorily sterilised, and then gassed 250,000 people in the name of “the prevention of ‘hereditary diseased offspring’. It is a little known fact that the sweet old Tory hero, Winston Churchill, and his chums, supported the Nazi sterilisation program at the time, writing to British Prime Minister Asquith, asking him to advocate sterilisation of the “feeble minded.” The Americans started it all off, beginning in 1907, in the name of “The Preservation of Human Quality”. They sterilised over 60,000 between 1907 and 1970, yes, 1970.
So, in another society just 50 years ago Disasterdly’s son would have been murdered and his wife would have been sterilised. For someone who studied history at university he hasn’t learned much has he?
For those of us old enough to have lived through previous Tory government's it is no surprise to learn today that in order to resolve financial problems caused by some of the wealthiest members of our society, Disasterdly has decided to reduce benefits, tax credits, and other financial assistance which benefits the lower middle and the working classes.
No mention here of plans to tax this country's high earners, or to plug the loopholes that allow wealthy foreigners to both live in, and to benefit from this country's facilities, for the payment of very little tax.
Those of us old enough to have lived through previous Tory government's are also nearer to retirement. For many in this middle-class dominated society the thought of being able to continue working up until the age of 66 will come as ratification of some idea they may have already been cultivating.
However, for those who carry out the arduous, or the repetitive, or the physically challenging roles which provide the infrastructure and the tools on which the middle-class rely, and who will have been carrying out those roles since they were 16 years old (in some cases 15 years old), and for whom retirement is something to look forward to, this additional year will feel like a jail sentence.
The average bus driver, refuse collector, Carpenter, bricklayer, etc, etc, will have worked for at least five years more than those they support who earn salaries several times greater than their own wages. Those they support will retire with much more favourable conditions as well.
Many of those of us who have laboured in those physically demanding support industries are now infirm, unwell, or disabled as a consequence. I am sure that Disasterdly and his posh mates will be rubbing their hands at the prospect of now having two opportunities to bully us and remind us of our place in society, our place among the “insane, the blind, the deaf, the prisoners and the paupers”, the groups identified as targets for sterilisation by Churchill, his chums, and the entire USA government.
“Darwin’s Dangerous Idea: Born Equal?” BBC Two: 12th March 2009: Exec Producer Anne Laking: Series Producer Chris Granlund: Produced & Directed Kate Bartlett: Open University/BBC 2009.
Peggy Mitchell: Ooo, aren't you the Mayor of London, I've been looking everywhere for you.
Bludgeon: Err-Umm-Err-Umm-Err-Umm-Err-Umm
Peggy Mitchell: I'm in local politics you know, there are lots of things I'd like to discuss with you.
Bludgeon: Err-Umm-Err-Umm-Err-Umm-Err-Umm
Peggy Mitchell: I have some ideas about developing the East End.
Bludgeon: (robotically) I-am-always-willing-to-discuss-London-issues-with-ordinary people. Please-contact-me-at-the-office-and-I-will-be-pleased-to-talk-two-you. I-am-off-duty-now.
Peggy Mitchell: One of the things I wanted to talk about was the way you are starting to question part of the London 2010 plan which was ratified by the Olympic Committee, might your interference at this stage not have implications for the games as a whole.
Bludgeon: la la la-Dum Dum Dum-Tra la la.
Peggy Mitchell: We are very worried about global warming. Why did you scrap the plans to extend the congestion charging zone? And most of us around here use the bus rather than cars, why are you scrapping larger, more fuel-efficient, bendy buses and bringing back the smaller, less fuel efficient, less safe, Routemaster buses?
Bludgeon: la la la-Dum Dum Dum-Tra la la- la la la-Dum Dum Dum-Tra la la.
Peggy Mitchell: Well well, would you believe it, the Mayor of London drinking in my pub, I am so lucky.
Disasterdly David looks after his "posh chums".
Yesterday was bash a cripple day as Disasterdly informed the world of his plans to bully the infirm and disabled.
Having targeted immigrants and single mothers during previous election campaigns the Nazi, Oops, sorry, the Conservative party have obviously decided that there are now enough members of both of those minority groups to have an effect on the outcome of a general election and so in order to please the Nazi, oops sorry, extreme right wing members of the party they have decided to target the group that the Nazis, yes, the Nazis, thought it would be okay to exterminate. By manipulating Darwin’s concept of ‘Eugenics’ the Nazi’s firstly compulsorily sterilised, and then gassed 250,000 people in the name of “the prevention of ‘hereditary diseased offspring’. It is a little known fact that the sweet old Tory hero, Winston Churchill, and his chums, supported the Nazi sterilisation program at the time, writing to British Prime Minister Asquith, asking him to advocate sterilisation of the “feeble minded.” The Americans started it all off, beginning in 1907, in the name of “The Preservation of Human Quality”. They sterilised over 60,000 between 1907 and 1970, yes, 1970.
So, in another society just 50 years ago Disasterdly’s son would have been murdered and his wife would have been sterilised. For someone who studied history at university he hasn’t learned much has he?
For those of us old enough to have lived through previous Tory government's it is no surprise to learn today that in order to resolve financial problems caused by some of the wealthiest members of our society, Disasterdly has decided to reduce benefits, tax credits, and other financial assistance which benefits the lower middle and the working classes.
No mention here of plans to tax this country's high earners, or to plug the loopholes that allow wealthy foreigners to both live in, and to benefit from this country's facilities, for the payment of very little tax.
Those of us old enough to have lived through previous Tory government's are also nearer to retirement. For many in this middle-class dominated society the thought of being able to continue working up until the age of 66 will come as ratification of some idea they may have already been cultivating.
However, for those who carry out the arduous, or the repetitive, or the physically challenging roles which provide the infrastructure and the tools on which the middle-class rely, and who will have been carrying out those roles since they were 16 years old (in some cases 15 years old), and for whom retirement is something to look forward to, this additional year will feel like a jail sentence.
The average bus driver, refuse collector, Carpenter, bricklayer, etc, etc, will have worked for at least five years more than those they support who earn salaries several times greater than their own wages. Those they support will retire with much more favourable conditions as well.
Many of those of us who have laboured in those physically demanding support industries are now infirm, unwell, or disabled as a consequence. I am sure that Disasterdly and his posh mates will be rubbing their hands at the prospect of now having two opportunities to bully us and remind us of our place in society, our place among the “insane, the blind, the deaf, the prisoners and the paupers”, the groups identified as targets for sterilisation by Churchill, his chums, and the entire USA government.
“Darwin’s Dangerous Idea: Born Equal?” BBC Two: 12th March 2009: Exec Producer Anne Laking: Series Producer Chris Granlund: Produced & Directed Kate Bartlett: Open University/BBC 2009.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Stop: Stop Press: Do not miss this
Not to be missed, 9.00 pm on Wednesday on Chanel 4: "When Disasterdly met the Bludgeon": also known as "When Boris met Dave".
As they were supporters of TV broadcasters rights when the controversial "When Tony met Gordon" fiction was broadcast, it will be interesting to see what Disasterdly and the Bludgeon have to say about this.
As they were supporters of TV broadcasters rights when the controversial "When Tony met Gordon" fiction was broadcast, it will be interesting to see what Disasterdly and the Bludgeon have to say about this.
Stop Press: Monday October 5th 2009: 20.00 hours
According to the news Disasterdly David told the Tory Party Conference that he will "FORCE" all 2 million of us who are on incapacity benefit to undertake a fitness test. He did not say whether this includes those of us who have disabilities similar to those of his son.
It might just be me but I can't help feeling that the term "FORCE" does not easily fit with the concept of someone saying they are proposing an action because it will improve my life.
By using the term "Force" he is in contempt of the Disability Discrimination Act, but as that is one of the pieces of legislation he is proposing diminish that should not be a problem for him, eh.
It might just be me but I can't help feeling that the term "FORCE" does not easily fit with the concept of someone saying they are proposing an action because it will improve my life.
By using the term "Force" he is in contempt of the Disability Discrimination Act, but as that is one of the pieces of legislation he is proposing diminish that should not be a problem for him, eh.
"Caring" for the infirm and the disabled.
Introducing Disasterdly David and Boris the Bonking Bludgeon.
4th October 2009
It’s the eve of the pre-election-year Tory Party Conference and Thatcher clone, Disasterdly David Cameron, can’t wait to remove the skin of reasonability that he donned in order to win over the public, in order to reveal the true blue extreme Tory, who he really is.
Has he got this right?
4th October 2009
It’s the eve of the pre-election-year Tory Party Conference and Thatcher clone, Disasterdly David Cameron, can’t wait to remove the skin of reasonability that he donned in order to win over the public, in order to reveal the true blue extreme Tory, who he really is.
Has he got this right?
In 1979 his role model waited until she had stepped across the threshold of 10 Downing Street before she peeled off the first of her coat of many colours and began to reveal her true self. This included quoting the words of St Francis of Assisi to the television audience on the eve of her election to government before embarking on a ten-year programme of bringing chaos, fear, patronisation, and disregard, to the elderly, the infirm, the disabled, the working (soon to become the "under") class, and, the children of all of the above.
She had, of course, ridden to mass popularity on the claim that she had been raised by that most humble of trades people, the local grocer. This fact that could be manipulated to make her appear as having been raised in a working class, or, at best, lower middle-class environment. As we got to know more about her it became obvious that her childhood experiences had been far from typical of those of others of her age group who were raised in families of these types.
Disasterdly David has, for his own reasons, played his cards much closer to his chest when it comes to revealing details about himself which might reveal the person who hides behind the coat of many colours that he has worn since he came to public attention.
So what do we know about him?
She had, of course, ridden to mass popularity on the claim that she had been raised by that most humble of trades people, the local grocer. This fact that could be manipulated to make her appear as having been raised in a working class, or, at best, lower middle-class environment. As we got to know more about her it became obvious that her childhood experiences had been far from typical of those of others of her age group who were raised in families of these types.
Disasterdly David has, for his own reasons, played his cards much closer to his chest when it comes to revealing details about himself which might reveal the person who hides behind the coat of many colours that he has worn since he came to public attention.
So what do we know about him?
We know that he attended Eton public school from where he graduated to Oxford University, the well worn route to success for many a Tory politician, and yet he chose to end his first public broadcast as a prospective leader of the Tory party by telling the listeners to "keep it real". The phrase, belonging to current youth street culture, sounded both incongruous and patronising when delivered with the accent of, and amid the flow of, received pronunciation, bestowed on him by his upbringing.
Since then his attempts to get on down, and, "keep it real" as a man of the people have seen him riding a bicycle to work to prove his green credentials, a "stunt" revealed by the press who published photographs of him being followed on his bicycle by a car in which his briefcase was travelling.
"Keeping it real" for Disasterdly David, does not include a direct answer to the "have you smoked pot?" question that journalists have thrown at every eminent politician of the last decade or so. The questions this evasion raises are: 1: did he use it? and he is refusing to say so because this may alienate the well-known law and order lobby within his party, or: 2: did he not take it and is he refusing to say so because this might damage his "street cred" with those who really do keep it real.
Among his pre-party leader achievements within the Conservative party he was an adviser to Norman Lamont at the time of the "Black Wednesday" stock market crash, before becoming and adviser to the then Home Secretary Michael Howard, a man whose policies and persona were in keeping with all of the universally loathed aspects and attitudes of the Conservative party which saw them dumped by the electorate at the 1997 general election.
And so we arrive at October 4, 2009, the eve of the final Conservative party conference before a general election and the introduction of the first "true blue" Tory policy by Disasterdly David. At the time of highest unemployment since the 1970s we might reasonably have expected Disasterdly to tell us what he and his advisers propose to do to address this. But no. Disasterdly wants to brag about how he and his chums plan to bully and intimidate the infirm and the disabled by forcing ½ million of them to return to work.
Since then his attempts to get on down, and, "keep it real" as a man of the people have seen him riding a bicycle to work to prove his green credentials, a "stunt" revealed by the press who published photographs of him being followed on his bicycle by a car in which his briefcase was travelling.
"Keeping it real" for Disasterdly David, does not include a direct answer to the "have you smoked pot?" question that journalists have thrown at every eminent politician of the last decade or so. The questions this evasion raises are: 1: did he use it? and he is refusing to say so because this may alienate the well-known law and order lobby within his party, or: 2: did he not take it and is he refusing to say so because this might damage his "street cred" with those who really do keep it real.
Among his pre-party leader achievements within the Conservative party he was an adviser to Norman Lamont at the time of the "Black Wednesday" stock market crash, before becoming and adviser to the then Home Secretary Michael Howard, a man whose policies and persona were in keeping with all of the universally loathed aspects and attitudes of the Conservative party which saw them dumped by the electorate at the 1997 general election.
And so we arrive at October 4, 2009, the eve of the final Conservative party conference before a general election and the introduction of the first "true blue" Tory policy by Disasterdly David. At the time of highest unemployment since the 1970s we might reasonably have expected Disasterdly to tell us what he and his advisers propose to do to address this. But no. Disasterdly wants to brag about how he and his chums plan to bully and intimidate the infirm and the disabled by forcing ½ million of them to return to work.
Now, speaking as someone with disability I know that he cannot possibly mean this. Most of us, the ‘disabled’ that is, are unemployable because no one is going to employ someone with a history of breaks in employment caused by an illness or disability. This is especially true when there are millions of other unemployed persons without such a history.
As disabled persons we know this to be a fact because many of us found it impossible to obtain paid employment during the years of plenty we have just lived through. Those persons of disability who are employable already work while the majority of those of us who cannot would love to. My own, not untypical history, includes continuing to work for ten years after I was first ‘medically advised’ to stop working. This period included, after five years, gaining further qualifications to obtain alternative employment when my disability led to me being ‘medically retired’ from my chosen career.
Disasterdly David's experience of disability is said to be comprehensive. He claims this to be the case because he has a severely disabled child who requires 24 hour care.
So what?
As distressing as his child's disability might be, his experiences bear no relation to those of the majority of those of us with disability, or of thoser who care for us. In fact, the ways in which different people manage and cope with their disability and/or chronic illness is so subjective that, apart from common symptoms, it is impossible to compare any one of us with any other.
Disasterdly’s son is representative of a small minority of "helpless" disabled persons. It is unlikely that he will ever experience the feelings of uselessness that so many of us with disability feel because we are unable to fully participate in the society in which we live. This includes being unable to gain full time employment either because it is physically impossible, or because better qualified persons (in this respect) than Disasterdly David tell us it is medically unwise for us to attempt to do so.
The assumption of Disasterdly David and his chums that many of us "CHOOSE" a lifestyle on invalidity benefit in preference to employment is so ridiculous that it would be laughable if it were not so patronisingly insulting. For five years I have struggled to keep hold of my own home. Because of my invalidity benefit I am given relief from paying my community charge, (money denied to my excellent local government department, not national government), but the expense involved in purchasing and maintaining my home and essential services means that I have £30 a week for food, toiletries, cleaning products, and, clothing. I find it almost impossible to conceive that anybody could think I would choose to live like this.
To "sugar the pill" of their bullying philosophy Disasterdly David and his chums are telling me their proposed actions are intended "to give me a better life". Rubbish. If they really want to give me a better life they should invest money into research that will lead to the mending of my damaged spine and nerves, the relief of the permanent pain I experience as a consequence of this, and the cause and treatment of my lifelong depressive illness, once manageable, but now permanent and all consuming because of the permanent chronic pain I experience. If I was not also diabetic I would not be able to afford the items on my monthly prescription which address these other ailments!
Beware. If you are a woman, an immigrant, retired or infirm. Disasterdly David's other current pet project, that of concealing his climb down regarding a referendum on the European community by saying there will be a referendum and debate of other community issues, is doublethink for a planned reneging on the social welfare aspects of the European Community.
Disasterdly and his chums are looking for an excuse to return to the type of bullying of all minority groups that they perpetrated in the past. Now, as a member of two minority groups which have never been adequately protected from the excesses of national governments because we are too small in number to affect things with our votes, (I refer to the mentally ill and the disabled), I can tell those of you who have grown up under the protection of those charters to prepare for a big shock.
One of the things Disasterdly refuses to discus is his membership of “Elite” Oxford University group “The Bullingdon Club”. This group appears to have existed for no purpose other than serving the hedonistic ambitions of the members. A colleague of Disasterdly in The Bullingdon Club” was Boris, the Bonking Bludgeon. Given the Bludgeons predisposition to blurt out the wrong thing at the wrong time Disasterdly must live in trepidation of a light being shone into this murky corner of his life at any moment. For all of his faults it is unlikely that Disasterdly will resort to sending the heavies around to silence him, this being one of the Bludgeon’s reported favoured solutions to dealing with those he or his chums disagree with.
So who is the Bonking Bludgeon?
Despite his reputation for wearing his heart on his sleeve it is interesting to note from their reactions at the time of his election as Mayor of London that neither Paul Merton or Ian Hislop were aware of the extent to which Bludgeon was utilising his apparent buffoonery to seduce the voting masses when he frequently appeared on their current affairs satire programme “Have I Got News For You”. Was the BBC ever so cleverly manipulated?
I have resisted adding the term, “Buffoon” to the Bludgeons title here, as some of the reporting media do, because that term implies an unsophisticated and embraceable human vulnerability. The Bludgeon’s manipulation of the media on his way to obtaining the Mayoralty betrays an ambitious calculating personality hiding behind his floppy fringe and mischievous schoolboy grin.
The truth is that he got elected to the Mayoralty because he promised his friends in the suburbs that he would scrap Ken Livingston’s “green” policies of extending the boundary of the traffic “congestion charge” and taking action to reduce the numbers of petrol consuming four wheel drive “People Carriers” that clog the roads throughout and around London at school drop-off and collection times.
Sadly, he also got elected because idiots like me thought he was so un-electable that we did not bother to vote. Sorry world, but we learned, and in the words of Pete Townsend, “We won’t get fooled again”
Within days of being elected to his new role Bludgeon demonstrated both racist and sexist traits, and he rejected the questions of one television journalist by “La La La-ing” over her questions in the manner of a petulant 6 year-old. I bet we will never see him responding to Jeremy Paxman like that.
So why “Bonking”? Well, that’s how he is known around the world because, at the time of his election to Mayor, that is how the foreign correspondents of the world media described him as they recounted for their readers how Disasterdly David had sacked him from the shadow cabinet because he, the Bonker, had lied to Disasterdly when confronted about a reported love affair. There goes the innocence and the credibility then, he is a proven liar, not the ‘lovable rogue’ terms like ‘Bonking’ and ‘Buffoon’ imply. Quite disturbing when considered alongside the fact that nearly all of his appointed right hand men, (yes MEN, not many women here), have already been forced to resign for carrying out actions he either sanctioned or was aware of. On The evidence of his term so far he is not fitted for the role of Mayor of Trumpton, let alone Mayor of one of the world’s major cities.
So why does the Bonking Bludgeon appear here. Well, Disasterdly David is well aware of Bludgeons ambition to oust him one day so I think we should be too.
In apparent defence of Disasterdly’s attempts to conceal his climb down over the European Community referendum Bludgeon is reported to have “suggested the Tories could offer voters a "consultation" on relations with Europe”.
The interesting thing is that he does not attempt to define the areas of proposed consultation.
One of the major similarities between Disasterdly and Bludgeon is that they are both very skilled at throwing out Headline grabbing sound-bites that they refuse to elaborate on or justify.
Those of us who survived Thatcher are very familiar with this tactic. Watch this space.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/1/hi/uk_politics/4502656.stmPublished: 2005/12/06 15:13:44 GMT: © BBC MMIX
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